Cloudflare KV

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Cloudflare KV is a key-value data storage service that is part of the Cloudflare Workers platform. It is a serverless storage service that is globally distributed and provides low-latency access to data. The service is designed to be used for storing data that is frequently accessed and updated, such as user sessions, shopping cart data, and other types of data that are used in web applications.

A KV namespace is a collection of key-value pairs that are stored together. You can create multiple namespaces within a Cloudflare account through the Cloudflare dashboard or the Wrangler CLI. Once a namespace is created, you need to bind it to a specific Cloudflare Workers script to access it. You bind a namespace to a worker by adding it to your wrangler.toml file, or directly in the Cloudflare dashboard.

Cloudflare KV is designed to be used in conjunction with Cloudflare Workers. Inside a worker script, you can manage the data in a KV namespace using the KV API. The KV API provides methods for reading, writing, and deleting key-value pairs, as well as listing all the keys in a namespace. You can also use the KV API to manage the metadata associated with a key-value pair, such as the cache time to live (TTL).

Because of Cloudflare’s Global Network, Cloudflare KV provides data for the end user fast and reliably from the nearest edge location. When you store a key-value pair, data is written in central data stores and is cached in edge locations for fast access after being read for the first time. Data stays in cache until the cache time to live (TTL) expires.

The Cloudflare KV is already included in Cloudflare Workers free plan, but it has some usage limitations. The free tier allows up to 100,000 reads per day, 1,000 writes, deletes, and lists per day, and up to 1 GB of data storage. If you need more capacity, you can upgrade to the Workers paid plan. The paid plan provides higher usage limits and costs $5 per month.

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