Cloudflare Pages

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Cloudflare Pages is a serverless platform for deploying JAMstack websites and fullstack applications to Cloudflare’s global network. By running on Cloudflare’s network, Cloudflare Pages can deliver websites and applications to users securely and at the fastest possible speed. The platform is designed to be developer-friendly, with a focus on ease of use and a fast, efficient workflow. It is integrated with GitHub, so developers can deploy their projects directly from their GitHub repositories.

Cloudflare Pages supports a wide range of web technologies and frameworks. You can deploy static websites built in Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, or Astro.js, frontend applications built in React, Vue, Svelte, or Angular, and fullstack applications built with frameworkes Like Next.js and Hono.js.

Pages also includes a number of features to help developers build and deploy their applications, including support for custom domains, automatic SSL certificates, a built-in preview environment, and a free privacy-first web analytics tool. For support building fullstack applications, the platform also includes the ability to create serverless functions by leveraging Cloudflare Workers. This allows developers to access the entire Workers ecossystem, including KV Storage, R2 Storage, and D1 databases.

Cloudflare Pages is included in Cloudflare’s free plan. The free tier offers 500 builds per month, 100 custom domains per project, and unlimited sites, static requests, and bandwidth. If needed, you can also upgrade to Cloudflare’s Pro plan tha costs $20 per month and includes 5,000 builds per month and 500 custom domains per project.

Alternatives to Cloudflare Pages include Netlify, Vercel, and Github Pages.

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